Saturday, June 22, 2024

Chef Xpress 2

Hello, I'm back!

Been so busy with work (as usual!) and been thru a lot of emotional ride this past few days. And what a better way to unwind is to play and blog. 

Another academic year will be over in less than 2 weeks and everyone in the faculty room is rushing their last requirements, checking their exams and ELMs, and doing their grades. Graduation will be in 3 weeks and we are all moving for it. Wheew!

This second semester, STI held its Tagisan ng Talino for the students to showcase their skills and talents in their respective program interests. Lorenzo and his friends joined again this challenge for the second time. Chef Xpress is a cooking challenge where the ingredients are given on the spot and the challengers make an appetizer, main course and a dessert menu out of it. Here is their take for this year....

Chef Xpress 2... Lorenzo, Cynold and Kurt won the 1st Runner-Up for the year. The magic ingredients were porkchops and squash, and they created a salad appetizer, braised porkchop and a pannacotta dessert from it. I used here MM pps, Bazzil white cardstock, DMC threads, pps and cardstocks scraps, a Project Life card, assorted stickers, buttons, green baker's twine, and Rangers' distress inks. Colors make memory keeping more lively and worth remembering.

I am currently updating my 2024 Project Life which I'm 3 months delayed. I am STILL polishing my 2023 Project Life which needs a lot of embellishing. Backlogs can still be exciting as ever... but for now, got to do some self care again.

Happy SCRAPPING everyone and I hope you enjoy every minute of that cutting and pasting!