I started joining online competitions since summer of last year. It's very challenging for me because you have to follow certain rules and themes, and very convenient too because you don't have to go to Manila just to submit your layout. Unfortunately, I don't know how to upload that's why I have to disturb Ate Liezl and Helga to submit my works. Well, but not anymore... Timi taught me how to upload and Diane Miraballes helped me make my blog. My many thanks to these wonderful friends!
Online competitions can really be exciting! Let me share some of my first experiences...

It's my first time to win!..at the Scrappin' Mom's Scrapbytes Challenge for July. The theme was "Sing me a Song" and I won in the product category, I used Around the Block PP. I love this layout! Makes me remember my childhood dream of going to Disneyland with my cousin Heidi. "When you Wish upon a Star" was the song being played at the parade of the stars at Disneyland Anaheim, California.

This is an unexpected triumph! Dra. Vergara called me up on the phone and Joanne Yap buzzed me in my YM and told me that I got the Grand Prize for Lasting Impressions' Scenic Route Challenge. I was speechless... and this is my layout!

I wasn't supoosed to submit this layout because I just wanted to make a "Follow Your Path" page for my little boy Enzo. But since there was no limit in submitting layouts for Scrapbukan's 3rd Year Anniversary, Cors told me to give it a try... malay mo? I got the 4th Place here for the MME Signature Life and Tres Jolie Challenge!

And now, the biggest challenge I ever joined...The Scrappin' Moms' Idol! It's a 7-week challenge which started last August 1 and will end on October 6, 2007 during the Scrapfest IV. We are on its 3rd round right now. It is really challenging and hard ha, but I told myself to just enjoy the rounds and feel the experience. This challenge made me really close to the LB Scrapaholics Family, they are always supportive and honest. You can visit the challenge at http://www.scrappinmoms.net/scrappinmomsidol/
Oh well, these are not just online competitons... they are fun and memorable experiences for keeps!