You can view the challenge here.... Day 1: May 2Challenge 1! It was the first round for these huge game! Requirements were posted at 6:56am and will be due by 9 in the evening, Wati gave enough time for the working girls to go home and scrap! She asked for a layout about ourself... no photos, just adjectives for the titles or words on the layout and could use any embellishments and papers, BUT no photo! Those who did not post by 9pm will be out! 14 were registered to join this challenge.
I texted Timi that afternoon and asked her what adjective fits me? She replied "THOUGHTFUL". And so I scrapped it at once and uploaded earlier. I want to thank Ate Liezl for lending me her mask, I used it here in my layout. And Cabbie for teaching me how to use it. Here's my take to this round...

Challenge 2 was posted at 9:12pm and should in by 1am. 9 were in out of the 14 registered. Wati asked for a two-page layout using 10 photos. It must have either numbers, alphabets, years or months in sequence (eg : 1-10, a-j, jan-oct, 1980- 1990). Last scrapper who post will be eliminated.
I ran to Chuy's albums and got his baby pictures, I scrapped his 1st to 10th month old pictures. Made them in circles and embellished them with buttons, ribbons, brads, photo turns and flowers. I uploaded at 11:47pm, then had the rest of the waiting time chatting with Timi!

Day 2: May 3
Challenge 3 was the first challenge for day 2. It started at 8am and was due by 6pm. The challenge was to make a mini album! Wati said "It's National Scrapbooking Day this weekend. We made friends along the way, please do a mini album with at least 5 pages or 10 sides about your scrapbooking journey with other scrappers. The last scrapper who post the album maybe eliminated" .
This is my favorite part of the game! I'm not really good in making mini albums, but I had a great time making this one. I used a BG 6x6 bracket album and BG Blush and Sublime lines of papers. I posted my 10-page mini album at 1:20pm. And continued with 4 more additional pages while waiting for 6pm. I was sooo happy, I made a new mini album!

Bonus Challenge was up by 5:11pm and due by 7pm. Since Scrappin Kids was on its 8th month, challenge called for a layout using 8 flowers, 8 pattern papers, 8 buttons, and 8 word title. The 1st scrapper to post the layout will be exempted to do Challenge #4.
I uploaded my layout "What a Beautiful World it is with You..."at 6:07pm, I was second to June. But we both won this round, June being the first one to upload but her title was an-8 letter word but was later changed, and me for following the right requirements. Here's my layout...

RAK 1 was announced at 7:08pm, Wati wanted to see what our families were doing while we were scrapping. I send this photo of Chuy crying!

Challenge 4 I was excepted in this round! Wati's challenge was to scraplift her favorite layout "Sunnies".
Challenge 5 was the last round for the day 2. Posted at 10:15pm and should be in by 1am. Wati asked for a page about our Dear Husbands with half page of journaling and has to be in shades of blue. Again, the last scrapper to post will be eliminated.
Dodo was very supportive since the start of this game, he didn't go to the office today to take care of the kids for me. I thought this was a good way to pay tribute to our dear husbands... so this round is for him! I used here BG pps, MM pps and Chatterbox pps, Prima flowers, buttons and a ribbon, and entitled "Togetherness". I tried fixing this layout while waiting for the day's verdict.

DAY 3: MAY 4
Challenge 6 was the first challenge for the day and was due by 11am. Only 4 of us were left for the final day... Naddy, June, Timi and myself. Wati's challenge was to do a layout covering the entire background with handwriting, circles, buttons or other embellishments. The last scrapper to post the layout MAYBE eliminated.
"Camping" was my layout for this challenge. I posted first for the first time! Wati asked me to cover up some more , so I uploaded twice. Here's my take...

Challenge 7 was up by 12:06pm and should be posted by 2pm. The challange was to do a layout of any theme using 2 things that can be found at home and use fabric too. The last scrapper to post MAYBE eliminated?
I went out before the challenge was posted, had lunch in my neighbor's house. Actually, I already cooked noodles for lunch because I was alone at home. I even posted a photo of what I was having for lunch because of a RAK before this challenge. "Eat and run" ang drama ko sa neighbor ko so I can run back infront of my computer and wait for the next challenge. I was out for only 15 minutes and I was superrrr late! My 2 things found at home were a cabinet liner and a big popsicle stick or some sort of a tougue depressor. Here's my layout entitled "Scrappin' is my Life"...

Bonus Challenge was posted at 1:59pm and was due by 3pm. Wati asked for a layout to describe about our daily routine and it has to have at least 4 photos. The TWIST was... the 1st scrapper to post the layout will secure herself to the FINAL round and do not need to do Challenge 8.
"I'm a Home Maker" was my entry to this round. Timi posted first, then June and the last was me at 2:27pm. I thought I was out now... but it was a non-elliminating round pala! So Timi won this round. At this point, I felt like backing out already, I could feel the pressure all over my body. Here's my take to this round...

Challenge 8 came at 3:01pm and was due by 4pm. It was a break between June and me. June is a fast scrapper with really good style, you can see her creations here.
Requirement was to do a layout with a silly photo on it and include a journaling. Whoever will be the last to upload will be eliminated.
I had this silly photo of Luigi, I was asking him to smile so I can take a shot of him, but he gave me this silly face! This layout gave me the chance to proceed to the final round. I uploaded at 3:06pm, exactly 5 minutes after Wati's challenge was posted. Here goes..

Final Challenge was announced at 3:56pm and should be in by 5pm. Timi and I were left for the final round. The challenge was to do a four page layout about our family, it has to include at least 4 photos and journalling, four pages should tell a big story. Wati judged the final layouts.
Imagine, we have to make 4 layouts in just 1 hour?! I decided to make my layouts in spreads. I painted and stamped, then attached the photos and that was it! I used here DCWV Old World pps, Prima flowers and note pad, MM paint and glittered diecut, AL clear stamps and buttons. Uploaded at exactly 4:43pm! Here's my output in less than an hour...

After the final round, I felt my whole body was aching, I took a little nappy! And that was my amazing scrapping race adventure! Thank you for looking guys!