This was the first thing that came across my mind, it was like a relief! 10 months or 2 semesters of studying went a little fast and now, I have finished 18 units on BS Education major in Elementary Level. I have studied the Foundation of Education, Non-formal Education and Livelihood, Teaching Strategies, Child and Adolescent Development, Teaching as a Profession and my favorite, Assessment of Student Learning or Statistics. I maybe ready for teaching in a couple of months, but I am not sure if my kids will be ready to have a working mommy.
I don't know if I will be needing to complete the 30 units requirement for the board exams. But I decided to keep my summer FREE! I'm gonna miss my classmates, specially Frietzy and Rose who are both unit earners like me, my professor Sir Bats who always challenge me with his tricky exams, that stupid guard who always tells me to wear my ID, and I'm gonna miss wearing white top and black pants for my uniform. It's such a great feeling to be back to school and eventually have those brain cells working again after some time.
Don't ask me what's next for me!... all I know is that I want to relax, have fun with my kids, baby Garrie and my family, read the Secret book, scrap, SCRAP and scrap!
TTFN... tata for now, sabi ni Tiger!