Oh yes, I'm a bad blogger once again! Been really busy with school, kids and family this past few weeks. My brother is leaving tonight for Dubai, it has been a whole month of fun, gimmicks, eating and partying, catching up and bonding with him. We'll all gonna miss him specially the kids Luigi, Lorenzo and now, little Garrie too. Here's what we were up to for the whole month of November...

The kids were all around him... Louie's first day at home!

November 1, we spend the whole day at the cemetery. Lorenzo was such a spoiled boy, he would ask his Tito to buy him all the small toys around the area.

Louie's day 2... bonding with our cousins from Calamba.

Day 7... an evening with our old barkada! When me and my 2 brothers were on our teen years, we had a common group of friends and they were Eric, Nico and Phil... we missed Jerynn and Rennel here!

Day 13 at the Enchanted Kingdom, Sta. Rosa, Laguna. We came a little late and the park was closed at 7pm. We just looked around, ride twice on the carousel and enjoyed the time left.

Day 21-22 overnight at Laiya beach, Batangas... We had margarita mix, tequila, mild salsa and chips! Then early the following morning, we went playing at the shore. Times like this, I miss my Dad!

Lorenzo had a field trip last November 24, we went to Greenbelt cinema and watched the Repertory Phils' "Jack and the Beanstalk". Then the whole afternoon was spent at the Manila Ocean Park. I had a great time with Chuy!

Today is my brother's last day... we had lunch at Palaisdaan sa Bay and had some last minute bonding with the kids. One month moved so fast and its bye-bye time again, we'll surely miss you kapatid! But I know you will be home again... really soon! Don't break your promises this time!
And there goes my month of November... always on the go and no time to slow down. Life will slowly go back to its normal phase, have to focus on my schooling and scrapping this time. God I missed blogging, TFL!