The first quarter of the year was my last three months in school and I got a straight 1.25 grade in all my three courses. After that, I took a vacation and did not enroll for summer thinking that I will be back by first semester. Checking with the PRC, my 18 units in Education were enough to take the board, but unfortunately, I got some problems with my birth certificate that's why I wasn't able to get the board exams. Now I get to spend time with my boys... Luigi attended his Junior-Seniors Promenade in February at Ding-Hao Chinese Resto. And he won the Prom Prince title! Lorenzo turned 6 in March and lost his two lower front teeth in June. Our little fairy Garrie turned 1 in May and became the cutest Thinkerbell ever.

My brother Louie came home in September. Spent the whole month with him... went up to Baguio for the second time this year, spent a weekend at White Cove, Laiya and celebrated Luigi's 17th birthday and his despedida at Villa Josefina, Los Banos. Although it was a homecoming of fun, we were sudden about the accident of my first cousin Janice, Buggy and my nephew DK. Thank God they were safe and better now. My three boys experienced their first Trick or Treat party with the Scrapaholics' families. Lorenzo was the most excited Dracula at UPCO, UPLB.

My LBS friends were still my best friends ever... hugs to Doc Rita, ate Liezl, Ytet, Cors, BFF Timi, Doc Chiqui and Teacher Helga for the beautiful rainbow of friendship. The last quarter of the year was a total roller coaster ride for me. I joined the faculty of Saint Bridgette International School in Calauan, Laguna where I teach Math and Social Studies in the Elementary Department. It was hard because it was totally new to me, but I have to learn more and face the daily challenges as a first time teacher. But at the end of each passing days, I still want to wake up early and go to school for these little kids. I may not be the best teacher, but I am trying to give my best in whatever I do. My only regret is that I cannot attend to my own kids' activity, well... gives their Dad his chance to watch and be with them!
God is good He gave me another year of life! I turned 42 this month... this alone is a great blessing of the year! I met old friends through Facebook, now we are connected after more than 20 years of distance. I can now chat with my second and even third cousins around the globe. I am blessed to have 2 precious children and a hard working husband. My Mom is perfectly healthy and dancing at the age of 71. My brothers are doing good in their chosen fields. I am still in love with scrapbooking. I made a total handmade pages of 245, got 5 12x12 albums for service, and had 2 design team assignments namely Creative Scrappers and Sketchabilities both in Canada... and everything goes well with my life!

I want to welcome 2011 with prayers and hopes... for the Philippines and the whole world to have peace. I ask for guidance in whatever I decide and want to do specially in my new task as a teacher. I ask for protection over my Luigi and Lorenzo, that they will always be safe and healthy specially when my eyes are not looking at them, they will pass their own little challenges and they will grow old with me. I also want to ask the same for my family specially for my Mom and husband. At this point of my life, I cannot ask for anything else except for life and love... God be with ME and you!
I would like to thank you all for being with me for another year of blogging, stories and scrapping.
Happy New Year to all!